Picture perfect photography retreat: discover Singapore through your lens!

May 12, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Singapore Photography RetreatSingapore Photography Retreat

The past few months have seen me deeply involved in setting up a photography retreat for seven days, six nights, in Singapore.
It's been a heck of a lot of background work and so uploading my own photographic images to Bluethumb has taken a little bit of a second seat, compared to prolific uploads in the latter months of 2022.
But am now so excited about it and heading there with a wonderful group of new cohorts!
If there's anyone else with an interest in a photography deep dive to push their photographic vision feel welcome to come along! It's suitable for beginners - just starting out, but certainly also involves enough challenges and learning master classes for intermediate-level photographers too.
Explore your creativity on location in Singapore - what a backdrop!
Photography guidance, tuition and creative techniques to transform your photos into compelling, creative, and engaging images. Includes ICM, architectural and landscape masterclasses and FUN CHALLENGES for the entire 7 days - to really explore, develop and express YOUR talent! The itinerary is full and fun - make sure you take a read!

Numbers are limited, but spaces still available, so go take a read, get EXCITED by the itinerary, grab your passport and toothbrush, and join us!

You can read ALL the details here :D but please, if interested and have questions, reach out. :)

Singapore murals and Gardens by the BaySingapore murals and Gardens by the Bay


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