Meet Jema - black and white film photography

November 30, 2022  •  Leave a Comment


I enter lots of photographic competitions. They inspire me explore both technique and creativity with lots of different topics or themes, outside what I would class, my comfort zone. Some are free, but the majority, can be quite costly for a single entry, so they also really encourage you to think about both your composition and your editing processes, quite harshly to make the cut.

This year one of my goals was to get onto the short list on a competition run monthly by Australia Photography Magazine. And I am pleased as punch that out of hundreds of entries (if not thousands - this particular one is a free comp afterall so many enter, many times!) I made 'the shortlist' four times.
This, is my most recent.
The November competition shortlist was a Top 20 (normally Top 24) with the theme - portrait.

A great subject always gives a great photo! And while I was playing around with my analogue camera, doing some street photography in the Brisbane city streets, I had a wonderful opportunity to capture 'Jema' via film rather than digital. 'Jema' saw me taking photos and called me over to take their photo - I thought they were kidding at first but then they but on quite a show. Given I was using film I sadly only had four shots left on my roll, but gladly, spent the last four on Jema!
What it didn't capture of course, was how colourful the outfit was. And it wasnt till i walked away, I realised I could have at least shot a quick capture on my phone and taken in the colour aspect.
But then, sometimes, the mystery of the black and white is yet another fabulous element that makes this particular image, and the focus, so powerful.
Film gives such a different feel to images, there's a grittiness and grain to any images that digital doesn't equal yet. And it's always great to experiment in the darkroom to develop the resulting image.
2023 - I feel is a year I strongly get back into more film photography and the darkroom I think!

Meanwhile - out of hundreds of entries, it really was an honour for November to once again make the shortlist amongst 19 other strong contenders with such a leading industry magazine.
It can be viewed here:
This image has already received a Highly Commended in the Mono Awards 2022 and made a shortlist for a LensCulture comp.

#portrait #blackandwhitephotography #australiaphotographicmagazine #photocompetition #portraitphotography #film #darkroom #blackandwhite #photography



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